Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Clase - the majority of you will be taking the PLAN test on Tuesday of next week and I will be administering the test to my homeroom upstairs. While I will still see my 4th block on this day, I don't want 1st and 4th to be on different schedules. So if you are scheduled to do your project on Tuesday 10/8 - good news, you will now be going on Monday 10/14. This will make it difficult for me to get these grades on your first 6 weeks report card so they will probably be the first grade on your 2nd 6 weeks. Here are the people who will now go on MONDAY 10/14:

1st block
 Jason - Bolivia, Zaire - Puerto Rico, Juan S. - El Salvador, Jessie - Venezuela, Casey -   Argentina

4th block 

 Hardy - Mexico, Lacy- Cuba, Emilee - Colombia, Teona - El Salvador, Wyatt - Venezuela, Fernando - Honduras

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